Racing Champion Reacts to Magic!

Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege to perform for the lead engineering team of General Motor’s Corvette division. The team hosted a media event in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Being at this event gave me the opportunity to entertain the team with magic.

I’ve been accustomed to traveling to do magic at various corporate and private events. However, something happened during my time in Pittsburg that was unexpected and, at the same time, profoundly memorable; I met Oliver Gavin, a world champion race-car driver!

Magician and mentalist, Tammer Q., driving on the road with LeMans winner, Oliver Gavin.

Oliver Gavin and I next to the new Corvette Z06

I’ve never been on a racetrack before and was happy when I found I I would be able to ride in the passenger seat with Oliver for a few laps. Being a five-time winning 24 hour Le Mans race-car driver, Oliver was no tyro when on the track. You know someone is a pro when they are going 150 miles-per-hour while also trying to get to know the passenger. Oliver casually asked me, “So where are you from? Have you ever been racing before?” Before answering the question, I started laughing because of his nonchalance behind the wheel of a speeding car.

After getting to know each other, he looked at me and said, “So I hear you’re a magician?” - Someone from my performance the night before must have told him. After telling him that I was, I told him that I would show him something later that night. But for the time being, I was taking in the entire experience of being on the track.

Magician and mentalist, Tammer Q., driving on the road with LeMans winner, Oliver Gavin. After taking photo, Oliver and Tammer have a conversation about being magic and race-car driving.

Picture taken right before the drive.

The driver as a whole was amazing! Being able to see the skill of a professional race-car driver up close further deepened my appreciation for the sport. I learned the some of the many qualities you need to be a driver are a sense of aplomb given any adversity on the road, a keen eye, and fast reflexes. As a bonus, Oliver happened to be an all-around great person since he drove me, as well as many other passengers, on his birthday.

Given this experience, the least I could have done was to show him some magic at dinner that night. Video below:

Video of Tammer performing for Oliver on the night of his birthday.

In all, I had a great time performing to Oliver and the rest of the team at Corvette! I look forward to doing more magic for them in the future. Until next time!


COVID: Taking Magic Online


Magic: The Universal Language